Friday 4 September 2009


Once, I went out shopping to look at clothes, I had already had an idea in my mind of what I was going to buy. I decided to buy a pair of plimsolls based solely on their looks. the shoes were £35 which were particularly reasonably expensive for plimsolls. I had no intention of getting shoes in the first place and I didn’t have much money on me but I thought they looked pretty good. They were white and like all plimsolls, they were made of canvas. Most of the shoe was made out of canvas, with a little bit of rubber on the bottom.

The following night, I was out and about with friends, going through fields and other places. Throughout the day, it was raining and had just stopped before I went out. I was out for almost two hours before I noticed that my feet felt heavy. My shoes had absorbed all the stuff from the mud and puddles that I went through like a sponge and went from being perfectly white to dark brown. Mud and water had completely flooded the inside of my shoes. I took them off later and squeezed them which was the same as squeezing a wet sponge.

The next day, I spent a while on trying to clean them which made me almost as angry as ruining them in the first place. the biggest downside to the shoes was also held the only benefit, as they were made from canvas, they could be washed in the washing machine. even after that, the shoes had gone grey from the remains of the dirt still in the canvas. Even though i brought it upon myself, I wish I had never bought them.

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